
When Is the Best Age To Schedule My Child’s First Dental Appointment?

Your child's developing smile is important to us, and the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry concur that the best time to bring your child to their first dental visit is by the time they turn one. At that time, their primary teeth (baby teeth) have started coming in. Usually by around six months of age you will... read more »

You Can Use National Children’s Dental Health Month To Help Your Child’s Smile Thrive All Year Round!

Valentine's Day isn't the only special occasion in the month of February; it's also National Children's Dental Health Month! This is the month that the American Dental Association (ADA) has designated to honor and recognize dental professionals and others who help children take care of their dental health. The goal is to highlight pediatric dental hygiene and offer ways that... read more »

dental face mask

Worried About COVID-19 Exposure? Our Practice Has Extra Safety Protocols in Place So You Can Keep Your Dental Cleanings and Appointments With Confidence

  A healthy smile depends on keeping plaque and tartar to a minimum by brushing and flossing your teeth every day, supplemented by your twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings. Working together, we can keep tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease from gaining a foothold in your mouth. But what happens when you skip those routine visits because you're too busy,... read more »