
You Can Use National Children’s Dental Health Month To Help Your Child’s Smile Thrive All Year Round!

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Valentine’s Day isn’t the only special occasion in the month of February; it’s also National Children’s Dental Health Month! This is the month that the American Dental Association (ADA) has designated to honor and recognize dental professionals and others who help children take care of their dental health. The goal is to highlight pediatric dental hygiene and offer ways that you can better support your child’s growing smile.

As you can imagine, helping your child’s smile by establishing healthy habits can bring them a lifetime of healthy, self-confident smiles. Why is this so important? Tooth decay is still the most common chronic childhood disease. Our Valley View Dental team understands that many parents struggle to get their children to brush and floss every day as needed. But it’s crucial that they do so they won’t need to have teeth pulled later because of poor oral hygiene habits.

For National Children’s Dental Health Month, we love the 2022 ADA’s theme relating to the basics: “Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth for a healthy smile.”

We highly recommend replacing their toothbrush every 3 to 4 months to keep bristles working properly and allow your child to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste. You’ll also want to inspect their brushing technique to make sure their teeth and gums get the proper treatment they need. Using fluoride toothpaste can promote strong, healthy tooth enamel that will resist wearing down and exposing their teeth to fractures or cavities leading to tooth decay and cavities.

Here are some fun activities the ADA suggest to promote your child’s dental health:

-Create arts and crafts projects with your child.
-Check out ada.org to download puzzles and coloring pages for your child to enjoy.
-Spend time each night brushing and flossing together and making it fun to inspire them.

Celebrating this month is a great way for parents to instill good oral hygiene habits in their children and help get them on board by making it fun. It’s also a time to help you – if you have questions or concerns for us – regarding tooth decay, helping your child become familiar and comfortable in our dental office, preventing crowding in their mouth and keeping gums healthy as they grow. The best way to achieve this is by bringing your child in for routine dental visits at least twice a year. We will provide an oral examination along with professional cleanings and give you at-home care tips to support your child’s daily oral hygiene efforts. Don’t hesitate to schedule your child’s six months dental cleaning by calling us today.

This month, take the time to help your child maintain their oral health and reinforce their healthy habits. Give us a call today if you would like more information or to schedule your child’s next dental visit!