
When Is the Best Age To Schedule My Child’s First Dental Appointment?

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Your child’s developing smile is important to us, and the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry concur that the best time to bring your child to their first dental visit is by the time they turn one.

At that time, their primary teeth (baby teeth) have started coming in. Usually by around six months of age you will have noticed their first tiny chompers erupting through the gums, making their debut. While you can wait longer, that is recommended only if your baby can drink from a cup and never drinks during the night, because this is how cavities start.

Why Baby Teeth Matter

Some parents wonder why baby teeth should be cared for since they will eventually fall out anyway. Once you see brown or white spots or a pit in your child’s tooth, a cavity has spread and the tooth is damaged. Because your child’s primary teeth act as placeholders for the permanent teeth yet to come, they are vital for ensuring your child’s best oral health. Early dental visits also allow our team to catch developmental problems while they are still small and most easily corrected.

Preventative Dental Care

Dental cleanings: These are the most essential preventative treatments your child can get throughout the years. Our team provides professional teeth cleaning and dental exams. Our hygienist removes plaque or tartar around their tiny teeth that may lead to cavities and gum disease. Then we polish them to ensure a healthier smile.

Dental sealants: This simple application protects your child’s growing smile (recommended between the ages of 6 to 12 years) from developing cavities on the chewing surface of a tooth. These molars are often hard to clean properly because they are in the back of the mouth. Painting this sealant onto the chewing surface blocks harmful oral bacteria and food particles from causing tooth decay. It also makes the tooth easier to keep clean when brushing.

Call Today!

Our Valley View Dental team is excited to help your child get ready for a new school year and a healthier smile! Call today to schedule a visit at a location near you:

Romeoville – 815-372-0100

Naperville – 630-904-5600

Montgomery – 630-923-0900