
You Don’t Have To Live With Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ)

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Do you know what your temporomandibular joints are and what they do? These vital joints act as hinges connecting your lower jaw to the rest of your head. When these joints become stressed, injured or misaligned, we call this a TMJ disorder (or TMD). The leading cause of TMD is stress, which causes bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching), arthritis in the TMJ, or from trauma or injury inflicted on the head, neck or jaw. If you are suffering from chronic jaw pain or facial pain the problem may stem from your TMJs.

Pain is a Signal

It’s not a good idea to ignore jaw pain, because you can end up unable to open and close your mouth properly when trying to talk, yawn, chew, or even have your jaw lock or become stuck. You also risk getting pain in your neck, shoulder or ears as well as constant headaches. Some people may suffer from tinnitus (ringing in the ear) and vertigo, which can interfere with your day-to-day function. Fortunately, our skilled dentists can evaluate your TMJ issues to find out what is causing them and offer effective treatment, which may include any of the following.

TMJ Treatment

  • Practicing relaxation exercises for the jaw and face
  • Making lifestyle changes like eating soft foods
  • Getting restorative dental treatments
  • Wearing a mouth guard or night guard
  • Having jaw surgery

Orthodontic Treatment

When it comes to your TMJs, problems stemming from a bad bite can be effectively treated with orthodontics. This allows us to gradually align your teeth using braces or clear aligners. Both systems guide your teeth to their optimal positions so you can open and close your mouth with ease. Braces are excellent at correcting misalignment and fixing bite issues, such as crossbite, open bite, underbite, and overbite. We offer metal and ceramic braces as well as Invisalign® and clear aligners for a more discreet orthodontic option. These clear aligners allow you to eat, drink and clean your teeth normally without having to restrict your foods or brush and floss around wires and brackets. Both systems require visits to our office for regular adjustments or to pick up the next set of aligners.


If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder, we recommend getting them checked out as the problem doesn’t always resolve by itself. Our experienced dentists have the training necessary to help you enjoy a comfortable and healthy smile along with an improved quality of life. Before you know it, your smile will look, feel, and function better. Find the relief you need with one of our Valley View Dental teams in Romeoville, Naperville and Montgomery, Illinois. We look forward to helping
you overcome your TMJ issues!