
Since Oral Health Impacts Overall Health Straight Teeth Can Make a Big Difference!

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It’s long been known that your oral health impacts your overall health and that oral issues can impact other areas of your body. It’s important to keep your mouth and body safe by learning how to take better care of your smile so harmful oral bacteria can’t travel through the digestive and respiratory tracts where these germs can lead to disease.

Brushing and flossing twice a day helps keep harmful bacteria under control to prevent oral infections like tooth decay and gum disease. Sufficient saliva production is key to rinsing away food particles while neutralizing harmful acids created by oral bacteria. Healthy saliva levels protect you from microbes that otherwise run rampant, causing disease.

Conditions Linked to Poor Oral Health

  • Cardiovascular/heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Endocarditis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pneumonia

Protecting Your Oral Health

1) Practice good daily oral hygiene. This means brushing and flossing at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Follow up with flossing and if needed, rinse with mouthwash to wash away stray food particles after brushing and flossing. Replace your toothbrush (or toothbrush head) every three to four months when the bristles fray. Schedule routine dental cleanings and exams to take care of developing problems early.

2) If you have crooked teeth, consider getting them straightened. Straight teeth make it easy to brush and floss, even allowing toothbrush bristles to get between your teeth for a good cleaning. The goal? Fewer cavities and healthier gums!

Which Is Better, Straightening Teeth With Braces or Clear Aligners?

Benefits of Braces

Today’s braces have come a long way since their inception for straightening teeth and aligning a bad bite. Our Valley View Dental team has had great success using traditional braces to create appealing smiles that look straighter and feel healthier. These braces consist of a system of metal brackets, wires and bands. After attaching brackets to the front of your teeth and connecting them with a metal wire and rubber bands, they start to work immediately. This system gradually and gently realigns your teeth to their optimal position while we continually adjust the wire so your braces guide your teeth to their ideal position. If metal braces don’t appeal to you, we are also pleased to offer tooth-colored ceramic braces that are barely visible during your orthodontic treatment!

Benefits of Clear Aligners

Invisalign® and other clear aligners are made from smooth and thin plastic, making them an effective orthodontic choice for patients seeking a more discreet method of creating a straight smile without the inconvenience that can occur with traditional braces. No matter the aligner system, they all work and still allow you to eat and drink as usual, clean your teeth and gum line normally without feeling self-conscious or experiencing pain. When you go to eat or clean your mouth just take out the aligners while you go about those tasks. These modern marvels work by coming in every two to three weeks to check the movement of your teeth and pick up your next set of new aligners.

In short, both are excellent orthodontic options to make the changes your smile needs for optimal results.

Call Today!

If straightening your smile this spring sounds like something you would like to pursue, we invite you to give us a call and make your appointment with our dentists to learn whether orthodontic treatment is right for you in Romeoville, Naperville and Montgomery, Illinois!