
Have You Considered Replacing Lost Teeth With Dental Implants and Why They Might Be the Best Solution?

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Are you missing one, multiple, or all of your teeth? If you are, have you considered replacing them with quality dental implants, especially if you don’t like the idea of wearing dentures? Did you know that dental implants replicate the original tooth you lost by matching the tooth’s structure as closely as possible? Dental implants are truly the most long-lasting, stable tooth replacement option available today for patients with missing teeth.

The Dental Implant Post Process

First, an implant post will be surgically placed into your jawbone where your tooth (or teeth) are gone. A biocompatible titanium screw is placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth, where it will act as the tooth root of a natural tooth. This is crucial as it is exactly what will keep your tooth stable.

Next, the post will heal while the bone fuses with it. Once it has healed, our dentists can attach dental implant restoration to the replacement tooth. This could be a dental crown, dental bridge, or a complete or partial denture, depending on your individual needs. The best part of having a dental implant done versus a bridge or denture is that it is customized to fit your smile comfortably, aesthetically and stably.

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Dental implants are a wonderful investment for your smile! They are gentle on sensitive gums and teeth while boosting overall oral health as they keep your existing teeth healthy too since they don’t depend on the neighboring teeth or previous dental restorations for support (think dental bridge). They also don’t require the removal of any healthy tooth structure before being placed. Unlike other dental restorations, they don’t need to be replaced for many years.

To make sure you are a good candidate for dental implants, meeting with one of our dentists can help determine if these are optional tooth replacement options for your smile. Once you are given the green light, you will find that these exceptional tooth replacements will transform your smile as you can wear them with confidence. After all, they function just like your natural teeth!

-Maintaining Your Dental Implants: You will need to keep your teeth and gums free from disease, which you are already doing as you care for your natural teeth. Daily brushing and flossing as recommended, along with routine dental cleanings and exams will help your teeth and implants function their best for many years to come.

-Timing is everything: If you are going with a dental implant, it is best not to wait a long time to do so, because while there are no tooth roots stimulating bone density when a tooth is lost, the bone will be resorbed, requiring a bone graft before the dental implant can be supported. It is optimal to get your dental implant before too much time is lost.

-Eating and cleaning with dental implants: Unlike other restorations, dental implants allow you to eat all your favorite and healthiest foods (like raw veggies) that normally affect a crown, denture or bridge. Your implant restoration won’t shift while you eat. If you love a chewy steak or caramel candy, you can still enjoy these with your new restoration.

Complimentary Consultation

If you are in good overall health and have good jawbone dentistry, you might be a good candidate for dental implants. To learn more about the benefits of implant dentistry we welcome you to give us a call to schedule an implant consultation. Our Valley View Dental dentists and team look forward to helping you with your dental needs in Romeoville, Naperville and Montgomery, Illinois.