
11 Signs You Need To See Your Dentist To Get the Treatment Your Mouth Needs

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Do you have dental anxiety and tend to put off visiting the dentist? While it might be tempting to delay routine dental checkups or needed treatment, don’t do it! The longer you wait to get needed dental care, the more it will take to fix tooth and gum issues. If you find yourself with any of the following signs, please schedule a dental visit and to treat your dental problem.

Your tooth hurts and eating is hard: Any time you feel discomfort, pain, or have trouble eating and chewing, these are red flags that won’t likely go away until treated. You should be able to chew comfortably on both sides of your mouth without feeling pain.

Red, swollen, or bleeding gums: If plaque builds up under the gum line, your gums will become inflamed. This likely means you have gum disease stemming from oral bacteria, food particles, and debris mixed with saliva. This sticky film hardens into tartar that can only be removed by a dental hygienist.

White spots on your teeth: These are the initial indicators of tooth decay and are often the first signs of tooth decay. This infection causes tooth enamel to dissolve from acid-producing bacterial plaque.

Tooth sensitivity: If your hot coffee or iced tea hurts your mouth, you likely have tooth decay. It starts on the outside of the teeth, forming cavities that spread to the tooth pulp below (where the nerves and blood vessels live) causing pain.

Chronic headaches or jaw pain: Morning headaches often stem from “bruxism”, a condition where you grind your teeth and clench your jaw while sleeping. This can be prevented by wearing a nightguard while you sleep. A mouthguard will protect your teeth and eliminate jaw problems.

Dry mouth, or xerostomia: Healthy saliva levels wash away oral debris (food particles) and neutralize oral acids from dental plaque. Dry mouth can show up as a burning or tingling sensation in the mouth, problems swallowing dry foods, bad breath, altered taste buds, constantly feeling thirsty and having “cottonmouth”.

Chronic halitosis: This can be the early stage of gum disease, especially if brushing and flossing aren’t helping. Persistent bad breath can also come from a medical condition (respiratory infection, chronic sinusitis, diabetes or a gastrointestinal, liver or kidney disorder).

Skipping follow-up care after dental repairs: Keeping your fillings, crowns, dental implants, and dentures in optimal condition means having regular check-ups to make sure they are working properly.

Spots and sores: If oral lesions don’t heal within a week or so, there may be an underlying medical condition that needs treatment. The Valley View Dental team can diagnose the problem and offer effective solutions.

Cracked or chipped tooth: If you bite down on your BBQ ribs and experience sudden intense pain, you might have chipped or cracked your tooth. If the chip or crack goes untreated, it can grow bigger and even result in losing the tooth. Remember, timely treatment is key!

Shifting or loose teeth: As you age, you might notice movement in a tooth or gaps that seem to get wider. This might mean that you have an underlying gum infection and potential bone loss requiring dental intervention so you don’t lose the tooth.

Our Valley View Dental team is here to help you with all of your dental needs. Regular dental checkups and coming in at the first sign of trouble allow us to help you keep your mouth healthy and strong for years to come! Call today!

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