Oral surgery includes a number of surgical dental treatments. The goal of oral surgery is to improve the function, health and appearance of your smile and the surrounding structures, such as your jaw. In many cases, we strive to provide the most conservative treatment possible. However, oral surgery may be necessary to correct certain conditions and improve your oral and overall health. Oral surgery may include:

While we provide many oral surgery treatments at our office, we also work closely with other dental professionals and hospitals to ensure that you receive the high-quality results you deserve. Our dentists will carefully evaluate your smile and your needs to determine whether oral surgery is the best available treatment choice for you.

Our team is committed to ensuring that your oral surgery is as comfortable as possible. Please feel free to contact us today to learn more about oral surgery and schedule your individual consultation!

Does oral surgery hurt?

You will be provided with an anesthetic to numb the treatment area prior to receiving any procedure. Sedation options may also be available depending on the office and on the type of oral surgical procedure you are receiving.

How do I know if I need oral surgery?

Generally speaking, your dentist will recommend that you visit an oral surgeon for treatment. You may also contact an oral surgeon’s office if you have questions or would like a second opinion about something that might require a surgical procedure.

What should I do after my oral surgery?

Our team will provide you with post-op instructions that you will need to follow carefully to achieve the best results, stay comfortable and reduce your recovery time.